Wedding Colors & Ideas

How Much Money Should You Give for a Wedding Gift 2024

A typical wedding gift is around $100. The exact amount depends on your personal budget and relationship to the couple, among other factors. The average wedding gift amount 2022 guests spent on gifts was about $151 per person.

This is a tough question. There’s no right or wrong answer, and what you choose to give will depend on your budget and relationship with the bride and groom.

In this article, I’ll explain how much money you should give for a wedding gift if you’re short on cash (but still want to give something).

Section 1: Assumptions About the Couple’s Budgets

Section 2: A Quick Guide to Wedding Gifts Based on Budget

Section 3: An Example of How Much Money You Should Give

Takeaway: A couple of resources that might help you determine how much money to spend for your friend’s wedding are The Knot’s Wedding Calculator as well as their guide to how much money should be spent on different types of gifts such as flowers, clothes, etc. Also take note that while there is no one standard amount that people give as a wedding gift (some people end up spending more than others), most couples would appreciate it if their guests did not go under $100 per person given so it’s important to have some sort of plan before making any purchases. One thing that many guests may overlook when considering whether or not they can afford giving a certain amount is whether or not they will receive something else in return such as an open bar at their reception; while both sides can certainly compromise here depending on what they can afford financially speaking (such as having fewer/no alcohol options available), this is one situation where keep in mind since there are other ways we can help our friends who are getting married besides just giving them money!

How Much Cash To Give For A Wedding Gift

Is It OK to Give Cash as a Wedding Gift?

Cash is the perfect wedding gift when you’re pressed for time, don’t know the couple well, or are on a budget. It’s also great if you have cash to spare and want to give an unforgettable present.

In fact, experts say that giving cash as a wedding gift can be a practical and much appreciated present. Seventy percent of couples registered for cash on their wedding registry (an increase of 10% over last year), according to The Knot.

If you are giving cash (or a check), send it ahead of time rather than bringing it to the wedding—it’s too easy for things to get misplaced in the chaos of the day. Some couples may even register for cash to go directly into their bank accounts through sites like Tendr, which allows guests to give money virtually, along with a sentimental note they can personally write on a digital card.”

How Much To Give For A Wedding Gift Cash 2023?

The amount you should give depends on the couple and how well you know them. However, “the average gift that people give for a wedding is around $100, and that stays consistent whether they’re giving a physical product or a cash gift,” says Emily Forrest, director of communications for Zola, a wedding registry website. “It really depends on your relationship to the couple or if you’ve been given a plus one. In those cases, the guest typically gives a little more.”

For example: If my budget is really low, and I only spend $20 on dinner for myself (which puts me in the $80-$100 range), then this means that if I want to be generous with my gift—while still staying within my budget—I should get them something worth about three times what I would normally pay for dinner/drinks out ($60). But if I have a fabulous lifestyle and easily drop $250 for a nice meal and bottle of wine then i would be looking at about 1K+.

How Much Money To Give for a Wedding Gift all white wedding arch

Should You Give Cash If You’re Not Attending the Wedding?

If you can’t attend the wedding, consider giving cash. “Cash is always a great gift,” Forrest says. “You don’t have to worry about returning an unwanted gift.”

And if you’re not close enough with the couple to have been invited to their wedding? Consider sending something anyway. “Many couples right now have been planning their wedding for a year or longer and they’ve been curating their guest lists to a list of people they’re very close with,” says Forrest.

How much should I spend on a wedding gift?

There are a few things that you should consider when thinking about how much money to spend on your friend’s wedding gift:

If these questions apply to you, then here are some guidelines for the appropriate amount of money to spend on a wedding gift under different circumstances. If one or both of the bride and groom is someone whom you know well but not extremely well (for example, if they’re your neighbor), then spending more than $50-75 is sufficient. But if neither party is someone whom you know very well (like an acquaintance), then it’s best not even bother buying them anything at all!

Etiquette that keeps you in line.

  • Consider distance
    If you’re attending a destination wedding or a wedding where you’d foot your bills, then cut back on gifts. It’s okay if you don’t get a wedding gift especially after all the expenses made. Celebrating them is the main point.
  • Go traditional
    Traditionally, the average gift cost is equivalent to how the couple spends on you. For instance, if the couple will spend $110 per head on food and drinks, then keep your gifts in that range. If you’re going as a couple, you double the price. But bear in mind that the aim isn’t to pay back the couple. You’re simply getting them something as a celebratory gesture.
  • Consider relationship
    The average amount to spend on a gift is $100. You can go higher or lower to match your relationship.
  • Your budget
    If you can’t afford the flashy registry gifts, pick smaller gifts to the tune of what you can afford. The thought put in gifts is what counts.

Is it OK to give a group wedding gift?

It’s totally fine to give a group wedding gift. If the only items left on the registry are well over your budget or you really want to gift the couple a big-ticket item you know they’ll love, join forces with a group of friends. And for bridesmaids and groomsmen who have already spent quite a bit of money on the bridesmaid dress, bachelor party, and shower, this is a particularly wise way to gift—the couple will receive a thoughtful big-ticket present from the wedding party, and each person can usually get away with spending a bit less individually.

In general though it’s not ideal; if everyone were doing this then no one would put anything on their list!

How Much Money To Give for a Wedding Gift bohemian rust circle wedding arch

Should I give a wedding gift that matches the price per head?

How much should I spend on a wedding gift? “The formality of the wedding impacts a number of elements, including time of day and dress,” says Carlson. “But there is no tie into the cost of the gift. What you gift the couple should be exclusively dependent on your relationship to the happy couple, as well as your own means.” On their website, The Knot also suggests that couples include a breakdown in their invitations or save-the-dates so guests know what they can expect from their gifts (and don’t feel pressured into giving more than they can afford).

However, if you’re still not sure what amount will work best in your case, consider these guidelines:

  • Couples who decide upon an open bar reception should expect to spend between $50-$100 per person for their wedding gift. If alcohol is included but not unlimited drinks (i.e., six beers per person), guests should plan to spend $50-$75 per person; if it’s unlimited beverages but not free food or other perks like entertainment or transportation from one location to another within city limits during rush hour traffic conditions then expect that total cost including gratuity would be closer toward $100-$200 per head depending on level desired experience level provided by hosts/hostesses themselves versus hired help hired independently by host/hostess spouses themselves via personal connections made long before even considering getting married ever occurred!

How Much Money To Give for a Wedding Gift

Do I have to buy a wedding gift for a destination wedding?

For destination weddings, if you can afford it, a monetary gift is nice. But if you’re struggling financially after spending on flights and hotels, don’t feel like you have to contribute. You could also send them something else instead—like an item off their registry or a homemade card with pictures of your family members and friends who couldn’t make it. “While there are no hard and fast rules, there is a general understanding that their presence at the wedding can absolutely be their gift,” says Carlson.

If attending doesn’t work for you (you live too far from where they’re getting married), consider sending something special that represents your relationship to them (a framed photo of all three of you hanging out together). Since it might take some time for this kind of thing get through customs, this kind of gift will be especially appreciated by the bride- or groom-to-be!

Should I buy a gift if I can’t attend the wedding?

If you can’t attend the wedding, then sending a gift is still in order—and here’s why:

  • There’s no doubt that attending a wedding brings its own perks. You get to see all of your friends and family members gathered together in one place, enjoy delicious food and desserts (or drinks!), dance like nobody’s watching and celebrate love. But if you’re unable to make it out of town or just don’t want to leave work early on a Friday afternoon, there are several other ways for you to show your appreciation for this special occasion without having to physically be present at the ceremony itself.
  • If there isn’t going to be an open bar at your friend’s wedding reception I’m sure he won’t mind if everyone has some alcohol beforehand at his bachelor party! Just kidding–you should definitely buy an expensive bottle of wine or champagne as a wedding gift even though most couples will only drink sparkling water throughout their entire wedding day because they’re poor college grads who have yet to find jobs (or maybe they’re just cheap).
  • And while we’re talking about gifts: do not forget that money is also considered currency so don’t forget about those too!

If you feel you were a last-minute guest consideration to a couple you aren’t close to, send a handwritten congratulations. This may be through the RSVP. You are also saved from spending as much as you would have spent if present. A gift between $30 – $40 will do.

Should my wedding gift amount increase if I have a plus one?

There’s no rule in the wedding gift etiquette handbook that would suggest your wedding gift amount go up if you bring a date. “While it may make sense to spend a bit more because you are bringing two mouths to feed, there is no expectation that you need to do so,” says Carlson.

If your plus one is close enough to the bride or groom (i.e., family member), then it might be appropriate for them to contribute toward your expenses as well.

How Much To Give For A Wedding Gift Cash

How long do I have after the wedding to get the couple a wedding gift?

For most of us, a year is a long time to wait for our wedding gifts to arrive. But if you’re sending your gift as an overseas shipment and want it to arrive by the wedding date, you should factor in shipping time—and make sure that your package isn’t subject to any customs fees or taxes upon arrival.

In some countries, like Australia and New Zealand, there are limits on how much you can import without paying duty or taxes; these limits will vary depending on what country you live in (and what type of item). If this is the case with where you live, make sure that any gifts sent from outside of those countries don’t exceed those limits; otherwise they may not be allowed through customs at all (or might have hefty fees applied).

How do I address a check to the couple?

  • Use their full names. It can be easy to misspell someone’s name on a check, so make sure you double-check before writing it down.
  • Include the date of your wedding gift along with a short message if you want to include one (but don’t go overboard).
  • Sign your name, as well. This is important for all parties involved because it makes sure no one accidentally spends the money before they have access to it! If possible, consider making this part of your signature memorable so that people can easily recognize it in future situations—for example, “Cheers!” or something along those lines might work nicely here…

How Much Money To Give for a Wedding Gift greenery and pampas grass wedding

Should I ship a gift directly or bring it to the wedding?

This one is up to you! While most people prefer gifts be sent directly (because no one wants their favorite coffee table book smashed by an overzealous guest), others choose to bring them in person because they feel more personally connected with the couple, or just want something more tangible than an Amazon package. If this sounds like you, then go for it—just make sure it’s wrapped well so your present doesn’t get damaged on its way there.

If you’re not attending the wedding and don’t have time to wrap your gift yourself before shipping it off, send a card instead! It’s just as thoughtful and will let them know how much they mean to YOU as well!

Is it OK to buy gifts that aren’t on the wedding registry?

It’s OK to buy gifts that aren’t on the wedding registry.

If you’re not sure what to buy for a couple, ask them instead of picking items off their registry list. “The easiest way to go about this is simply asking them,” Carlson says. “Most people love talking about themselves and their wedding plans.”

Should I purchase a gift for a wedding I didn’t attend that was either cancelled or downsized for reasons relating to the pandemic?

If you’re wondering what to do in this type of situation, there are no hard-and-fast rules. As the pandemic is truly unprecedented, there’s not really a rule of thumb for these situations. This also means the couple has no expectations for a gift, either. Was the cancelled wedding far enough along that you received information on their wedding registry? If so, it would be a nice gesture to send a gift. The couple may not be treating you to dinner and drinks but sending a little something is a sweet way to celebrate their love. If there’s a chance the wedding may be postponed or downsized due to some other reason related to COVID-19, it’s ok to wait for further details from your friends before purchasing anything else from their registry list or making an additional purchase altogether; they’ll appreciate knowing that they still have your support through this difficult time! What if they opted out of having any kind of celebration at all in order not spread germs around during flu season? In this case, chances are there won’t be any sort of registry set up by them beforehand but if your budget allows it then mailing out something thoughtful like chocolates would make them feel good about themselves even though they’re not celebrating right now.”

Wedding Money Cards

Welcome to our curated collection of Wedding Money Cards! This collection features a wide variety of cards, from minimalist designs to elaborately decorated ones, for all your gifting needs. These wedding money cards not only express your well wishes and gratitude but also add a special touch to your gift. This collection is suitable for all types of weddings, including traditional, modern, and themed weddings. Click to explore our collection of wedding money cards and add the perfect finishing touch to your gift!

Wedding Gifts

Introducing our carefully curated collection of Wedding Gifts! This collection features a wide range of unique and thoughtful gifts, perfect for the newlyweds. From personalized keepsakes to practical household items, we have something for every couple. This collection includes gifts at various price points to fit any budget. Click now to explore this collection and find the perfect gift to celebrate the happy couple’s special day!


Your wedding gift should be thoughtful, personal and meaningful. Keep in mind that you are showing your friends how much they mean to you by giving them a gift. They will appreciate it so much more than any material object could show!


Is it okay to give money as a wedding gift?

Yes, giving money as a wedding gift is completely acceptable and can even be preferred by some couples. It can be used to help with wedding expenses or to start their married life together.

How much money should I give as a wedding gift?

The amount of money you should give as a wedding gift depends on your relationship with the couple and your budget. According to a survey by American Express, people spend an average of $179 on a close family member’s gift, $119 on a close friend’s, $114 on a relative’s, $79 on a friend’s, and $66 on a coworker’s. It’s important to give what you can afford and what feels comfortable to you.

Should I give cash or a check as a wedding gift?

Either cash or a check is appropriate as a wedding gift. Some couples may prefer cash, while others may prefer a check. It’s always a good idea to include a card with a personal message to the couple.

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