Wedding Colors & Ideas

20 Most Epic Wedding Kiss Photos of All Time

Wedding Kiss Photos

Wedding days are full of joy, and what better way to celebrate your love than with an epic kiss? We’ve rounded up 20 of the most epic wedding kiss photos, from underwater kisses to ones that take place on the dance floor.

Wedding Kiss Photos
Source: Alta Moda Bridal
Wedding Kiss Photos
Photographer: Luma Photos , Dress: Grace Loves Lace
Wedding Kiss Photos
Source: wedding chicks
Wedding Kiss Photos
Photographer: Nastia Vesna
Wedding Kiss Photos
Source: pinterest
Wedding Kiss Photos
Source: pinterest
Wedding Kiss Photos
Photographer: Story Lantern Photography
Wedding Kiss Photos
Photographer: Kenzie Victory photography
Wedding Kiss Photos
Photographer: Tec Petaja
Wedding Kiss Photos
Photographer: Amanda Castleberry Photography

Wedding Kiss Photo Ideas

Kiss Underwater

Kissing underwater is harder than it looks. Heck, just getting your partner to kiss you underwater is probably more difficult than you think. But if you manage to get both of you in the water, with your lips connecting and everything, there are still a million ways that things can go wrong. You could end up with an unexpected sneeze (or worse!). Or maybe they’ll forget to take their contacts out first? Maybe they forgot their toothbrush at home? Who knows!

But if all goes well—and let’s be honest, it probably won’t—this is an exciting way to add some variety to your wedding photos and make them even more memorable!

Kiss on the Dance Floor

Kissing on the dance floor is a fantastic way to get the party started. Everyone loves a good dance floor kiss and if you’re lucky, they’ll ask you to dance! Getting your groove on with someone new is a great way to break the ice and start a conversation, plus it gives you an opportunity to get to know each other. If things go well, it could lead to something more serious… like dancing at each other’s weddings!

Kiss in the Rain

Kissing in the rain is one of the most romantic things to do with your significant other. The weather can be unpredictable and it might not even be raining where you live, but if you want to get this photo, you’ll need to travel somewhere that has a higher chance of precipitation.

This type of picture should be taken when it’s raining hard enough that there are no puddles on the ground from where people have walked by before (or else it will look like you’re kissing in an empty sidewalk).

You can also take this photo after a fight so that it shows how happy you are again and show them how much they mean to you.

Dive Deep Kiss

The Dive Deep Kiss

This is a fun one: The Dive Deep Kiss. It’s like a kiss in the ocean, but without all the water and sand getting in your mouth. You can pretty much do it anywhere there’s water—a pool or hot tub would be ideal—but it really works best when you’re fully submerged and surrounded by bubbles on all sides. It’s perfect for those who love diving into their relationships with no reservations!

Incredibles Kiss

This is a story of a couple who overcame all odds to have their wedding day and it’s one hell of a story.

The groom, Casey Evans, has been battling cancer for the past few years. Even though he’s had to undergo radiation therapy and chemotherapy treatments, he wasn’t going to let that stop him from marrying his soulmate. In fact, he even proposed with a sign that read “Will you marry me?” in front of their venue before they headed inside for photos! They were more than happy to comply with his request (and take some incredible photos) because they were so happy together on the big day. And when it came time for the couple’s first kiss as husband and wife…well…you just have to see this epic moment:

Carnival Kiss

As you know, a wedding is a special day for everyone involved. This couple, however, decided to make their nuptials even more memorable by holding them at a carnival! They met at a carnival and fell in love there. How romantic!

When the couple got engaged and began planning their big day, they knew they wanted to incorporate the theme of the fair into their celebration. And what better way to do that than by having it take place at an amusement park?

The bride wore a beautiful white gown with accents of gold and purple throughout. Her groom wore an elegant tuxedo with gold buttons that complemented her dress perfectly. When it came time for them to say their vows, they wrote something special for each other as well as themselves—the perfect way for them both to remember this day forever! Their cake was decorated with sugar skulls and flowers made from fondant; how festive!

The Perfectly Timed Kiss

You’ve no doubt seen plenty of pictures of couples kissing in the rain, or on the dance floor, but how about one where they’re getting a little wet? Or how about a couple that has somehow managed to get their bodies perfectly aligned so that they fit together like puzzle pieces?

Some of these photos will make you laugh out loud—the way their faces are contorted and their hair is sticking up in funny ways—while others will move you to tears. Regardless of which reaction you have, we can all agree that they’re worth looking at over and over again.

View From Above Kiss

Her hair was blowing in the wind and his was mussed up. They were both smiling, but they were also clearly exhausted from climbing up that mountain during a sunset to get this perfect moment.

Now, let’s address the obvious: if you’re getting married, don’t try to do this yourself. Get yourself an experienced photographer who knows how to capture these kinds of shots. Also keep in mind that it isn’t just about finding someone who can take photos—it’s also about finding someone who can take photos well.

Shoot for the Stars Kiss

Shoot for the Stars Kiss

Actors are known for their ability to get into character. But this couple took it a step further by actually flying a plane! The bride and groom kiss in mid-flight, and you can see the pilot sitting behind them in his seat. Even though it may seem like an odd setting for a wedding photo, there is so much emotion in this one that it makes up for its lack of comfortability factor. When you’re as head over heels in love as these two clearly are, why wouldn’t you want your first kiss as husband and wife on your wedding day?

Runaway Bride and Groom Kiss

A bride and groom are running away from their wedding. The bride is jumping into a helicopter, and the groom is chasing after her. He jumps into the helicopter, and it takes off. The couple kiss as they fly away from their wedding location in a helicopter!

Sky High Kiss

Kissing on a rooftop is so romantic. If you’re getting married and you want to make the most of your special day, consider choosing the top of a skyscraper for your kiss photo. It’s sure to be one that people will remember for years to come!

And if you’re looking for something else besides kissing at the top of a skyscraper, there are plenty of other options:

  • Kissing at the top of a mountain (or any peak) will leave people breathless with awe.
  • Kissing at the top of a roller coaster is another great option. The thrill ride element makes it fun and exciting!
  • One last option is kissing at the top of a Ferris wheel—you can choose between seeing everything from above or down below!

Putting on a Show Kiss

Putting on a Show Kiss

This couple is putting on a show for their audience! They’ve decided to kiss on stage, and the audience is cheering them on. This is one of those rare moments where you can see your friends and family watching you—and loving it.

Love is in the Air Kiss

A kiss on the beach:

This is a classic. You’ve probably seen this one before—the wedding photo of the couple kissing in the rain, or on a mountaintop with snowfall around them, or even under a waterfall! But there’s something about having your feet planted firmly in sand that makes this scene more romantic than others. Plus, it has the added bonus of being able to jump right into and out of water if you want to cool off from all that kissing!

A kiss under a bridge:

The bridge may be blocking out part of your view of each other, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to make up for it! This photo is really fun because it’s so playful—the bride and groom are standing on opposite sides (and even sometimes different levels) as they gaze longingly at each other through their binoculars while holding hands across the divide. The photographer has captured this moment perfectly by keeping their backs turned away from us so all we see are their silhouettes against an old brick wall or concrete pillar rising up behind them. It’s almost like they’re saying goodbye instead of goodnight…but wait! They turn around again after a few seconds and then walk back towards us for one last kiss before we get our hearts broken again when they leave forever…

On Top of the World Kiss

This photo is great because it shows the couple in a place where they’re most comfortable—their own home. It’s not uncommon for couples to have their wedding at their house, but what makes this photo unique is the fact that the couple was able to get on top of their roof and kiss each other as if they were standing on top of the world.

You might be wondering how you can get such a good kissing spot for your own wedding, and there are several ways:

  • Get married somewhere that has an open-air rooftop access, like this couple did with their ceremony at City Hall in New York City. If your venue doesn’t offer something like that, try asking if anyone else nearby does or whether there may be another way (it’s worth checking).
  • Book an appointment at The High Line Hotel in Manhattan; they have an incredible rooftop area where you’ll be able to enjoy breathtaking views while celebrating your marriage!

Swaying in the Breeze Kiss

Kissing pictures are always a popular choice for couples. They’re a great way to capture the moment and show off how in love you are. It doesn’t matter if you want something traditional or much more adventurous, there are so many different poses that can be used for your wedding kiss photos. Here is just a small list of some ideas:

  • Kiss under a tree (or next to one)
  • Kiss in the rain (or on top of an umbrella)
  • Kiss on the dance floor (or while dancing with friends)
  • Kiss underwater (in swimming pools, lakes or oceans)

In order to make sure you get awesome pictures that really show off how much your love shines, I highly recommend hiring a professional photographer who knows what they’re doing!

Climb Every Mountain Kiss!

Climb Every Mountain!

The Climb Every Mountain Kiss is a classic, and the perfect photo op for any couple. It’s where you kiss in front of a mountain range—or even better, atop one! The closer you are to your partner, the more romantic it feels. If you’re looking for something truly epic, try this one with your significant other:

  • Climbing Mount Everest together is an amazing way to begin a new life together as husband and wife!
  • You can also have this themed shoot practically anywhere there’s a mountain range nearby.

Say Cheese! Kiss!

When it comes to wedding photos, the one thing that’s a must-have image is the kiss. You need to capture the moment when you and your spouse seal your love with a lip-lock in front of both families, friends and other special people in your life who have gathered for this special occasion.

So how do you make sure that kissing photo is as epic as possible? Well, here are some tips:

  • Make sure you both have fresh breath (no garlic or onions please).
  • Do not over think it too much – go with what feels natural!

Into the Wild Blue Yonder kiss!

While this couple was flying to their wedding, they got a little bit more than they bargained for.

The plane began to experience turbulence, and while it was too late to re-route their flight path, the pilot decided that he needed to land the plane immediately. The couple shared that they were both scared at first but then happy once it all ended up fine. They even joked about how this event could be an awesome story for their future children!

“Til Death Do Us Part” kiss! Takeaway

One common theme of these pictures is that they capture the couple’s love in a way that can’t be denied. Whether it’s by using a song title, or by using a phrase like “till death do us part,” these photos are all about couples who are in it for the long haul. They’re not just saying “I love you,” they’re showing it through actions.

Being dedicated to your partner is an important lesson to learn from these photos: even after you get married and start having kids, there will always be something worth fighting for—your marriage! Don’t let anyone tell you what marriage should look like; instead focus on your own relationship and keep working at it until death do you part!


It’s the most magical moment of your life when you get married, and the best part is that your love story doesn’t have to end here. We hope these epic wedding kiss photos will inspire you and make your heart melt!

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