Wedding Colors & Ideas

20 Shades of Blue Wedding Color Ideas for 2025

Shades of blue wedding theme

mismatched blue bridesmaid dresses

When we talk about the 2023 wedding color trends, how can we not to mention the blue shades? From dusty blue table space to azure blue bridesmaid dresses, there are plenty more combinations to use blue colors in your wedding. In today’s post, we will share top 20 newest blue wedding images on Instagram . Scroll down for inspiration!

Blue Shades Wedding Colors

Blue is an eye-catching color that can create a big impact on a wedding. Blue is the color of water and the sky, making it highly adaptable to many different colors. Some shades of blue are deep and opaque while other shades are lighter and offer more of a pastel feel. The blue shade can also vary in the saturation, whether it is subtle and light or intense and dark. Blue is the color of the sky, space, water, and the sea. View All Blue Wedding Colors

mixed blue wedding color ideas and trends
mixed blue wedding color ideas and trends
mixed blue wedding color ideas and trends
mixed blue wedding color ideas and trends

Blue Bridesmaid Dresses

If you love blues and the fashion-forward look of a blue dress, then you need to get a look at these different shades of bridesmaid dresses. From the lush designs and gentle tones to the modern, flowy styles, these blue shades bridesmaid dresses have something for everyone who’s looking to glam it up without going over the top. Costing a fraction of what high-end dresses cost and sporting a sleek style, these blue bridesmaid gowns are truly worth the investment.

mixed blue bridesmaid dresses
mixed blue bridesmaid dresses
mismatched blue bridesmaid dresses 8
mismatched blue bridesmaid dresses 10
Source: brianvantighem
mismatched blue bridesmaid dresses 5
Source: thismodernromance , dress from jennyyoo
mismatched blue bridesmaid dresses 16
Source: alanvieiraph
mismatched blue bridesmaid dresses 19
Source: xokelee
light blue and greenery bridesmaid dresses 7
Source: annaperevertaylo
dusty blue mismatched halter bridesmaid dresses 3
Source: katiebethlamb

Blue Wedding Cakes

Something a little different, maybe? Blue as in the sky, blue as in the color. This wedding cake is a pretty way to wow guests with its unusual presentation.

blue shade watercolor wedding cake 2
Source: ashleighanderik
blue and red watecolor wedding cake 13
Source: sarahlynnphotographypdx
teal blue and greenery wedding cake 20
Source: beckyvanstraalenphotography
gold blue and burgundy wedding cake 17
Source: magdakphotography

Blue Wedding Table Decoration Ideas

This is going to be your wedding, so you have the power to have an evening theme you love. You can top the tables with blue candelabras, blue vases, blue utensils, or blue wedding decorations in a traditional color scheme. This can be a casual, fun night with your friends rather than a serious, expensive day affair.

dusty blue velvet wedding chair 11
Source: sallypineraphoto
dusty blue and greenery wedding table decor 15
Source: bretthickmanphoto
dusty blue and greenery wedding table ideas 6
Source: annaroussos
dusty blue velvet wedding chair 1
Source: sallypineraphoto
dusty blue wedding table runner 9
Source: julia_kaptelova

Blue Wedding Backdrop

As part of a blue wedding theme, a great way to create a vibrant backdrop is with a fabric backdrop. Toning down the colors with navy and off-white would be another option to creating a visual contrast. On the other hand, heading towards a literal contrast would be to choose colors that are opposite of each other.

light blue wedding backdrop 14
Source: ourstorycreative
greenery and blue wedding backdrop 18
Source: jennyquicksall

Blue Wedding Drink

What better way to celebrate the union of two people in love than with a refreshing, icy blue wedding drink? This one is a bit of a twist on the classic margarita, served with cucumber salt, a shot of tequila, and fresh blueberries. So invite everyone you know and make a sweet splash!

teal blue wedding drink
Source: marisaholmes

Blue Wedding Bouquets

The blue wedding bouquet is a great idea for the bride and bridesmaids. A dreamy bouquet from a magical place, framed with cluster flowers and surrounded by greenery. Mix two shades of blue together for a fresh, fun feel. Add in accents of silver for a more romantic, classic feel. Finish the bouquet off with white lisianthus and roses and your attendees will be left quite breathless..

greenery and blue wedding bouquet 4
Source: andrewjadephoto
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